William Preston's first published work of fiction was "You Will Go to the Moon," which appeared in the July 2006 issue of Asimov's Science Fiction. To date, seven of his stories have appeared in Asimov's. Four of these stories are part of his "Old Man" sequence, an homage (in part) to Doc Savage and other pulp heroes. (The first three stories in the sequence may be downloaded as e-books via Amazon.) Previously, he was a finalist in the 2004 Very Short Fiction Contest hosted by Glimmertrain. He won the 2006 Zoetrope: All-Story Short Fiction Award for "A Crisis for Mr. Lion." His poetry has appeared in various publications. He teaches high school English.
Short Story. "You Will Go to the Moon," Asimov's, July 2006.
Short Story. "Close," Asimov's, Feb. 2007.
Short Story. "A Crisis for Mr. Lion," Zoetrope: All-Story (online), 2007.
Novelette. "Helping Them Take the Old Man Down," Asimov's, March 2010.
Novelette. "Clockworks," Asimov's, April/May 2011.
Short Story. "My Story of Us Looking for My Comic Strip, by Franklin James Nemeth," Stone Canoe 6 (online), 2012.
Novella. "Unearthed," Asimov's, September 2012.
Short Story. "Vox ex Machina," Asimov's, December 2013.
Novella. "Each in His Prison, Thinking of the Key," Asimov's (forthcoming, 2014).