Dr. Tony Pi is a Taiwanese-Canadian writer with a PhD in Linguistics. Currently a graduate administrator at the Cinema Studies Institute, University of Toronto, he finds that both linguistics and film find their way into some of his stories.
He is a winner in the Writers of the Future Contest (appearing in volume XXIII). Also, his novelette "Metamorphoses in Amber" was a 2008 Prix Aurora Award finalist in the "Best Short-Form Work in English" category and a Notable Short Story of 2007 as selected by Story South.
He has been nominated for the 2009 John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.
Short Stories
"The Gold Silkworm", Fantasy Magazine, December 13
"The Curse of Chimère", Beneath Ceaseless Skies #53
"The Character of the Hound", The Dragon and the Stars, DAW Books
"The Paragon Lure", Alembical 2, Paper Golem LLC
"Cygnet's Shadow", On Spec #80
"A Sweet Calling", Clarkesworld #44
"Night of the Manticore", Abyss & Apex #33
"The Shadow-Witch", Cinema Spec, Raven Electrick Ink
"Come-From-Aways", ON SPEC #76, vol 21 no 1, 2009.
"Stilts and Straw", Flashing Swords #12 (2009).
"Tekkai Exhales His Avatar", Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show #11 (March 2009).
"Silk and Shadow", Beneath Ceaseless Skies #11, 2009, reprinted in The Best of Beneath Ceaseless Skies Online Magazine, Year One
"Sphinx!", Ages of Wonder (DAW anthology), (March 3, 2009)
"Come Frost, Sun, and Vine", Tales of the Unanticipated #29, 2008
"Aesop's Last Fable", ON SPEC #72, vol 20 no 1, 2008
"The Stone Cipher", Writers of the Future Vol. XXIII, 2007
"Metamorphoses in Amber", Abyss & Apex #24, 2007; also reprinted in The Best of Abyss & Apex: Volume One (2009)
"The Pinocchio Cantatas", Tales of the Unanticipated #28, 2007
"Zeno's Last Paradox", Abyss & Apex #16, 2005
"Dynamics of a Hanging", Shred of Evidence vol 3 no 2, 2005; a revised version appears in The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (September 2009)
"The Mirror King", Flash Me Magazine #9, July 2005
"He Immortal, Evergreen She", ON SPEC #62, vol 17 no 3, Fall 2005
"A Gorgon Comes for Hades' Helm", Aoife's Kiss #14, 2005
"An Enchantment, With Apples", ON SPEC #60, vol 17 no 1, Spring 2005.
"The Shadow-Witch", Cinema Spec (third-quarter 2009).
"Cygnet's Shadow", ON SPEC (TBD).
"The Paragon Lure", Alembical 2 (TBD).
"Dynamics of a Hanging" (reprint), The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Night Shade Books (September 2009)