Profile of S Boyd Taylor

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This profile moderated by S Boyd Taylor.


S. Boyd Taylor is currently eligible for the John W. Campbell Award for best new science fiction or fantasy writer whose first work of science fiction or fantasy was published in a professional publication in the previous two years.

S. Boyd Taylor lives in Dallas with his wife and baby daughter, and is a great guy, really, despite all the stories he writes about zombies, cannabalistic teddy bears, and World War 1. 

His life story is a series of coincidences and paradoxes:

  • His family has lived in rural East Texas since 1840, but he spent many key formative years in Turkey and Scotland.
  • His parents were both starving private university professors, and they were both the first in their families to graduate from high school much less attend college.
  • He is part Cherokee, but he's pale skinned and red-haired
  • He is also part Irish, English, Scottish, and German. Martian has yet to be proven.
  • He has 24 medals in Kung Fu, a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, a brown belt in Okinawan Karate, but hasn't even close to being in a real fight since he was 13. 



S. Bod Taylor strives to use rhythm, sound, image, and voice in fresh and unexpected ways to magnify the emotional depth of his stories. His strongest influences are classic fantasy, fairy tales, and modern literary works, and his quest is to conquer some unexplored corner of where they intersect. 

Campbell-qualifying work:

  1. Teddy Bears and Tea Parties (pdf), Chizine #41, July 2009

Other works:

  1. "The Eight of Swords", Behind the Wainscot issue #15, August 2008
  2. "Teddy Bears and Tea Parties", ChiZine, July 2009 
  1. "Shantih Shantih Shantih", final issue of Farrago's Wainscot, October 2009. 
  2. "A Distant Sound of Hammers", Spectra Magazine, Issue #1, September 2010. 
  • Anthology Reprint: Zombiesque, DAW Books, forthcoming February 2011 Recognition: Writers of the Future Semifinalist, Q1 2008, Commended Q2 2010
  • Audio Reprint: Drabblecast, date forthcoming


  • Writers of the Future: Semifinalist, Q1 2008. Commended Q2 2010.
  • TBTP rec'd the #1 spot on the "Best of Drabblecast" list
  • TBTP received 5 very unexpected nominations for the Nebula award and at least one nomination for the Bram Stoker award, but did not make the final ballot for either. 

Stories all available at request for eligible Campbell voters, please contact me on Facebook.