Profile of Darin C Bradley

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This profile moderated by Darin C Bradley.



Darin C. Bradley holds an M.A. in Literature and Literary Criticism and a Ph.D. in English Literature Theory. When not pursuing independent scholarship in the fields of cognitive theory and experimental speculative fiction, he edits fiction for Farrago's Wainscot and poetry and literary fiction for Drollerie Press—he is co-publisher of Behind the Wainscot and co-founder of Farrago Press. Additionally, he does work in cover design and illustration.

Darin's fiction has appeared in or is forthcoming from Electric Velocipede, Paper Cities: An Anthology of Urban Fantasy, 3:AM Magazine, Diet Soap, Bewildering Stories, Polyphony 6, and The Porch. His critical work has appeared in or is forthcoming from The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, Strange Horizons, The Internet Review of Science Fiction, and Membra Disjecta.




  • "All the Blue in the Mirror," Electric Velocipede (forthcoming).
  • Sleepwalker, Drollerie Press (forthcoming).
  • "The Basement, Borges," Diet Soap #1.

  • "They Would Only Be Roads," Paper Cities: An Anthology of Urban Fantasy, E. Sedia, ed. Senses Five Press (forthcoming).

  • "The Caprock Resistance," Bewildering Stories. December, 2006.

  • "Two," Scribe Revolution, Vol. II: Virology. Scribe Agency, 2006.

  • "Boom," "Eucharist," "Slipstring," Scribe Revolution, Vol. I: Fermented Fiction. Scribe Agency, 2005.

  • "Afterglow," The Porch, Vol. I, Issue 3. September, 2005.


  • "The Self-Weird World: Problems of Being as the Fantastic Invasion in Contemporary, Small-press, Speculative Fiction," The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts (forthcoming).


  • "Arrow," Astropoetica (forthcoming) 





Sean Melican, Ideomancer
on "The Heresy Box"

"Darin C. Bradley's "The Heresy Box" tells a story in reverse time: a neat trick, and well-executed . . ."

Colleen Cahill, SFRevu
on "The Heresy Box"

". . . Darin C. Bradley describes a world were religion and health care meet, made all the more fascinating by "The Heresy Box" being told chronologically in reserve."

The Fix
on "The Basement, Borges" in Diet Soap #1

One of the stronger stories in the issue, The Basement, Borges explores enlightenment in a cold and straightforward manner. It doesnt ask questions, it just acts. Introspection is effortlessly handled while its slow descent into abstract horror was rather fitting. I also enjoyed that surveillance remained in the background for this one. In the end, Bradley offers the most satisfying story of the issue.