Aliette de Bodard lives and works in Paris, France. In her spare time, she writes speculative fiction. Her short stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Interzone,Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show, and Gardner Dozois's The Year's Best Science Fiction.
She was a Campbell Award Nominee for 2009.
Her Aztec fantasy Servant of the Underworld is out from Angry Robot.
"Ys", Interzone, issue 222, May 2009
"Memories of my Sister", Expanded Horizons, issue 7, May 2009
"Dancing for the Monsoon", Abyss & Apex, issue 30, April 2009.
"The Lonely Heart", Black Static, issue 9, February 2009
"Beneath the Mask", Beneath Ceaseless Skies, issue 8, January 2009
"Butterfly, Falling at Dawn, Interzone, issue 219, November 2008 (Reprinted in The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Sixth Annual Collection, ed. Gardner Dozois)
"The Dragon's Tears", Electric Velocipede, issues 15/16, Autumn 2008 (Honourable Mention, The Year's Best Science Fiction, ed. Gardner Dozois)
"Dragon Feasts", Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, issue 35, June 2008
"Horus Ascending", IGMS, issue 8, April 2008 (Honourable Mention, The Year's Best Science Fiction, ed. Gardner Dozois)
"The Dancer's Gift", Fictitious Force, issue 5, April 2008
"Within the City of the Swan", Shimmer, Art Issue, Spring 2008
"At the Gates of White Marble", Leading Edge Magazine, issue 54, December 2007
"The Lost Xuyan Bride", Interzone 213, November 2007 (Honourable Mention, The Year's Best Science Fiction, ed. Gardner Dozois)
"Sea Child", Coyote Wild Magazine, Autumn 2007
"Obsidian Shards", Writers of the Future XXIII (Honourable Mention, The Year's Best Science Fiction, ed. Gardner Dozois)
"Autumn's Country", Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, issue 30, August 2007
"Deer Flight", Interzone, issue 211
"The Naming at the Pool, Reflection's Edge, May 2007
"Weepers and Ragers", Abyss and Apex, 2nd Quarter 2007
"Calling the Unicorn", Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, issue 27
"Through the Obsidian Gates", Shimmer, Autumn 2006 issue (Honourable Mention, Twentieth Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, ed. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link and Gavin Grant)
"A Warrior's Death", Shimmer, Spring 2006 issue
"For a Daughter", Haruah, May 2006 issue
"Citadel of Cobras", The Sword Review, May 2006 issue
"Kindred Spirits", Deep Magic, May 2006 issue
"The Triad's Gift", Deep Magic, February 2006 issue--recommended for a Nebula award for 2007, category "Best Novelette"
"Golden Lilies", Fantasy Magazine, forthcoming
"Desaparecidos", Realms of Fantasy, forthcoming
"Melanie", Realms of Fantasy, forthcoming
"Healing Hands", Fantastical Visions IV
"Eye of the Destroyer", Blood and Devotion
"Blessing the Earth", Tales of Moreauvia, forthcoming
"The Tamarind House", Paper Blossoms, Sharpened Steel, forthcoming 2010
"They Come Bearing Gifts", Interzone, forthcoming.
"Fleeing Tezcatlipoca", Space and Time, forthcoming 2009
"City of the Gods", Alternative Coordinates, forthcoming
"Blighted Heart", Beneath Ceaseless Skies, forthcoming