Nicky Drayden is a writer dabbling in mostly science fiction and everyday weird. If it doesn't involve color-shifting love aliens, psychotropic sea slugs, gold diggers from alternate universes, or bending space-time in order to seduce your sister's fiancé, then she's probably not interested in writing it.
She is currently eligible for the John W. Campbell Award for best new science fiction or fantasy writer whose first work of science fiction or fantasy was published in a professional publication in the previous two years.
Nicky Drayden's Campbell-qualifying work:
Winning Streak in Daily Science Fiction
Full Bibliography:
Short Stories
“The Simplest Equation”, Space and Time Magazine, forthcoming
“The Aubergine Wok”, Comets and Criminals, forthcoming
“A Stitch in Space-Time”, Daily Science Fiction, December 2011
“Nayani”, Comets and Criminals, December 2011
“Double Rations”, Kaleidotrope Magazine, December 2011
“Of In-laws and Close Encounters”, Untied Shoelaces of the Mind, October 2011
“Undying Fans of an Unknown Cover Band”, Andromeda Spaceways, September 2011
“Our Drunken Tjeng”, Daily Science Fiction, August 2011
“Lilitol the Curmudgeon”, Bards and Sages Quarterly, July 2011
“You Had Me at Rarrrgg” (reprint), Drabblecast, Episode 205, May 2011
“Skinny Jeans of the Zombie Apocalypse”, Allegory, May 2011
“Time’s Jewel”, Fusion Fragment, February 2011
“Antimatter is a Girl’s Best Friend”, Space and Time Magazine, January 2011
“Wrath of the Porcelain Gods”, Daily Science Fiction, January 3, 2011
“Winning Streak”, Daily Science Fiction, November 10, 2010
“You Had Me at Rarrrgg”, Shimmer, October 12, 2010
“Up in Smoke”, Cabinet Des Fées, September 30, 2010
“Forgotten Prayers”, Everyday Weirdness,October 2009
“Memories and All That”, Space Squid Issue 8 , August 2009
“With Good Intentions”, Necrotic Tissue, Issue 07, July 2009
“A Peach Farmer’s Predicament”, The Writer’s Eye Magazine, March 2009
“The Last Pharmacist”, New Myths, March 2009
“Grilled”, Ujima Magazine, September 2008
“Low-Carb Cheesecake”, Drabblecast, Episode #79, September 2008
“Extreme Pirates”, Flash Me Magazine, Issue 21, July 2008Poetry & Drabble
“Mother Tentacle”, Aoife’s Kiss, December 2010
“Pushover”, Hint Fiction Anthology, November 2010
“Wizard Fight on Sixth Street” (reprint), Big Pulp, June 2010
“Post Apocalyptic”, Big Pulp, January 2010
“Wizard Fight on Sixth Street”, Kaleidotrope Magazine, April 2009
“Hellhound Rescue”,Flash Scribe, February 2009